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Green Finance & Energy Centre
Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE), on the one hand serving as a meeting place for the interests of companies, investors, portfolio managers and on the other hand as a field of policy application both on national and EU level, together with Idependant Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX), are the initiators of the establishment of Green Finance & Energy Centre - Think tank for policies in the fields of sustainable finance and energy (Green Centre) - a NGO that concentrates the efforts of the business, the state and other stakeholders towards sustainable development of the country.

The Green Centre is realized in partnership with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Energy, the Financial Supervision Commission and the Fund of Funds, as well as representatives of stakeholders on the topics - business, NGOs, industry organisations, academia and consultants.

In October 2020, BSE joined the UN global platform on environmental, social and corporate governance issues in the field of stock exchanges, the UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative, which opens an additional channel for up-to-date information and transfer of good practices in this field to the stakeholders in our country.

Green Centre is established as a non-profit legal entity.
Establishment of leading practices
Green Centre for sustainable finance and energy is establishing itself as a think tank for policies in the fields of sustainable finance and energy, conducting public debate on these topics in the country and addressing issues that lead to concrete decisions. The main mission is to create and transfer to stakeholders leading good practices in both fields.

The Green Centre plans to partner with the government in developing and completing the legislative framework and implementing specific policies to transform the environment.

As a think tank, the main course of the Centre's activity is to analyse the environment with respect to understanding and implementing sustainability in the corporate practices of the three areas - environmental, social and corporate governance.
Policy Development
To participate in the development of policies in the field of sustainable finance and energy
Popularising ESG
To give the topics of sustainable finance and energy top priority among decision-makers in the business and the country
Global Networking
To take part, representing Bulgaria, in the European and global networks for sustainable finance and energy
Index Development
To generate ideas for developing an index methodology, financial instruments based on sustainability factors
Think Tank Centre
To establish itself as a Think Tank on the topics of sustainable development and energy and to become a content bank
Unifying Factor
To be a unifying factor and to lead the public debate on the topics of sustainable finance and energy in Bulgaria